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My Advent of Code 2020 So Far

This is my first year participating in Advent of Code. I enjoy doing coding challenges but I’m not competitive about it, so I tend to use them as a learning opportunity. Like for most people, the end of the year is a time of reflection, and when I look back on what I wanted to do this year, I often found myself saying “that’s a language I wish I knew better.

Critique of the Magic of Modern IDEs

The StackOverflow blog recently posted this article asking why so many people continue to use Vim and Emacs when modern editors like Atom exist. This is a question I have personally addressed before with regards to Emacs, but I want to address this post specifically because I think it gets at a commonly held misunderstanding about these editors. The basic point of the post explores why people would want to use an antiquated editor like Vim or Emacs, and that those who continue to use either are missing out on the so-called magic of a newer IDE.